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Managing BrightSigns and Mediaplayers

Managing your BrightSigns and other Mediaplayers with AccessKit is easy. You can do it all from your AccessKit Admin dashboard on your web browser—no more fussing with BrightAuthor!

Table of Contents

Finding a Mediaplayer

From the Admin dashboard, you can see all of your Mediaplayers and which Works they are assigned to, along with their local network IP address, serial number, and the last time they started a playback loop of whatever content they are currently playing.

Click on the name of the Mediaplayer to access its management page.

Management Page

From the management page, you will see an overview of the Mediaplayer's relevant identification information, including its AccessKit ID number, MAC address, serial number, local network IP address, media duration, and the last time it started a loop.

The following basic configuration fields are available for managing a Mediaplayer or BrightSign. Remember to click Update Mediaplayer to commit any changes you make. The mediaplayer will change automatically when the setting is updated if it is connected to the internet. Otherwise, it will need to be connected to the internet and restarted in order to implement the configuration update.

Configuration Fields


This field represents an identifier used to reference the Mediaplayer. It should be alphanumeric and must not contain any spaces. If changed, the BrightSign or Mediaplayer will go through an additional bootcycle the next time it restarts.

  • e.g., fourth-floor-mediaplayer-a

Linked Work

Select which Work this Mediaplayer belongs to from the dropdown menu.

Synchronize Linked Work to this Player

If checked, the linked Work will be synchronized to the start of media playback loops on this player. For single-channel works, this box should always be checked. For multi-channel works, this box should be checked on the sync group leader, and unchecked on the followers.

  • options: true, false

Multi-Channel Sync Mode

If the Mediaplayer is part of a multi-channel sync group, use the dropdown menu to change from solo to leader or follower. Each multi-channel sync group should have one leader which will provide the start trigger to all of the other Mediaplayers. These other Mediaplayers should be configured as followers. Learn more here.

  • options: solo, leader, follower

Remote Video URL

A link to a .mov or .mp4 resource on the internet. This field should be a link to the raw media file. If using Dropbox, copy the share link, but replace dl=0 with raw=1 at the end of the link.

  • e.g.,

    changes to:

New Content Available

Check this box and then click Update Mediaplayer to trigger an automatic download of new media content from the video URL above. If the BrightSign or Mediaplayer is connected to the internet, it will automatically begin to fetch the new files. Otherwise, connect it to the internet, and restart the Mediaplayer or BrightSign. Learn more about automatic content updates here.

  • options: true, false


This control sets the volume of your Mediaplayer or BrightSign, and is scaled from 0-100. Change the value and then click Update Mediaplayer to immediately update the Mediaplayer or BrightSign's volume—no need to republish a presentation or fuss with BrightAuthor!

Typically, this should be set to the desired volume level during an Exhibition's install period and then left as is. If you would like to temporarily change the volume, use the Quite Mode control.

  • default: 15
  • min: 0 (silent)
  • max: 100 (max volume)

Quiet Mode

This control allows you to temporarily set an alternate volume level as a proportion of the original volume setting. This control is especially useful for temporarily setting a BrightSign or Mediaplayer* to a quieter level for accessible neurodivergent hours or a social gathering. Quiet Mode can also be activated at an exhibition-wide level from the Exhibition management page.

  • default: 1 (full volume)
  • min: 0 (silent)
  • max: 2 (double volume)
  • mid: 0.5 (half volume)

Advanced Fields

The following advanced settings are also available. Genereally, you should not need to alter any of these settings, and should do so only after first consulting with your AccessKit liaison.

Poll for Code Injection

When this setting is enabled, the Mediaplayer will respond to real-time controls issued from the control page for the Mediaplayer or Work. In general, this should never be disabled.

  • options: true, false

Poll for Config Changs

When this setting is enabled, the Mediaplayer will automatically receive any configuration changes from the Mediaplayer's management page. In general, this should never be disabled. If it is disabled, the Mediaplayer will only be able to receive configuration changes (including re-enabling this option) when it boot cycles.

  • options: true, false

Command Port

Port number used for UDP communication betwen players on the local network.

  • range: 0-9999

Update Web Timestamps

This field controls whether or not the player submits timestamps to AccessKit. It should be set to true in virtually all circumstances.

  • options: true, false

Captioning Synchronization Server

Never change this without talking to your AccessKit liaison first.

  • e.g.,

Startup Leader Delay

The leader Mediaplayer in a sync group will wait this amount of time when first powering on to ensure that all followers have finished booting up before the first loop is triggered.

  • units: ms
  • default: 20000
  • range: 0-60000

Loop Point Leader Delay

The leader Mediaplayer in a sync group will wait this amount of time when between loops to ensure that all followers have completed arming media before the next loop is triggered.

  • units: ms
  • default: 100
  • range: 0-60000

Video Filepath on Removable Drive

This should typically be set to "auto". If multiple files are on the SD card, then use this to set which file to play.

  • e.g., fourth-floor-artwork.mp4
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