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Synchronizing BrightSigns and Mediaplayers

Synchronizing multiple BrightSigns and other Mediaplayers with AccessKit is easy. You can do it all from your AccessKit Admin dashboard on your web browser!

From the Admin dashboard, you can see all of your Mediaplayers and which Works they are assigned to, along with their local network IP address, serial number, and the last time they started a playback loop of whatever content they are currently playing.

Click on the name of the Mediaplayer to access its management page.

Table of Contents

Multi-Channel Sync Mode

If the Mediaplayer is part of a multi-channel sync group, it must be defined as either a leader or a follower.

Each multi-channel sync group should have only one leader. This leader Mediaplayer will guide and control synchornization, as well as provide the start trigger, for all of the other Mediaplayers. These additional Mediaplayers should be configured as followers.

Use the dropdown menu on the Mediaplayer's management page to change from solo to leader or follower.

  • options: solo, leader, follower

Choose a leader Mediaplayer, then check the Synchronize Linked Work to this Player box for that leader player, and leave this box unchecked on all other follower Mediaplayers.

QLab Synchronization Utility

QLab synchronization utility supports aperiodic synchronization cues and custom static messaging during dynamic live content for a non-looping work.

If you would like to use QLab to trigger BrightSigns, they're configured to receive UDP (User Datagram Protocol) commands, which can be sent via network cues.

Alternatively, if you'd like to use QLab to directly play back media or control some other devices, AccessKit has a standalone Max application that can be launched on the same machine as QLab. QLab will be setup to send network cues to the Max application when the video starts, and the Max application will handle synchronization of timestamps with the server.

Once you have the Max application up and running, you'll need to set up QLab to send a Network cue to the machine with this software (so localhost IP address if on the same machine) on Port 9500 (though you can change the receiving port in Max if needed). The QLab Network cue should be set to OSC mode, with an addressed target of "/submit/default" and a value of "1" for the payload.

  • Note: the Max application is included only in AccessKit's Institutional Plus subscription plan. Please contact us directly for more information on how to upgrade or obtain access.
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