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Network Configuration

AccessKit mediaplayers need an internet connection to provide timestamp synchronization signals, fetch new content, and receive control messages (pause, play, etc.). In order to do this, there are a few options for providing internet connectivity:

  1. Hard-wired ethernet connection (recommended)
  2. Wi-Fi connection (BrightSign WiFi chip needed)

Additionally, DHCP and static IP assignment can both be configured.

Configuring both is managed via the mediaplayer networking page.

Table of Contents

Hard-wired Ethernet Connection

By default, all AccessKit mediaplayers are configured to work with ethernet connections. Simply plug in an ethernet cable to the AccessKit mediaplayer before booting it up and it should automatically join the network.


To configure Wi-Fi, first check off the Use Wi-Fi box on the mediaplayer networking page. This will bring up a form with fields for entering your Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password.

Static IP vs DHCP

If you need to use static IP address assignment, check off Use Static IP, which will bring up a new form. Enter the information in the appropriate fields. If you have questions on what to enter, conctact your IT administrator or write to us!

Deploying the Network Config

If you are deploying to a mediaplayer which is already running AccessKit, click the Get Network Config button to download a new file called network.json. Place this file on the mediaplayer's SD card and restart the mediaplayer for it to connect automatically.

If you are deploying to a new mediaplayer, click Check to download full script bundle, which will download the entire package, which you can then place on the mediaplayer and proceed with the normal registration workflow.

Resetting the Network Config

Simply delete the network.json file from the mediaplayer's SD card and reboot the mediaplayer. This will reset the mediaplayer to the default settings (ethernet connection expected, DHCP).

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