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Realtime Mediaplayer Control

One of AccessKit's most exciting features is the ability to control your BrightSign or other Mediaplayer in real time, all from the covenience of your AccessKit Admin Dashboard. This means you can adjust volume, pause and play videos, scale the image, download new content, and more, all from your web browser. No more fussing with BrightAuthor!

Table of Contents

Accessing the Controls Page

You can access the real time controls for a BrightSign or other Mediaplayer by clicking on the [controls] link for that mediaplayer on the Admin Dashboard home page, or by visiting the following link:

  • /admin/mediaplayer/[id]/control (replace [id] with that Mediaplayer's AccssKit ID number)

You can also control all of the Mediaplayers in a multi-channel synchronized work simultaneously by clicking the [controls] link for that work on the Admin Dashboard home page, or by visiting the following link:

  • /admin/work/[id]/control (replace [id] with that Work's AccssKit ID number)

Available Controls


  • Pause
  • Play
  • Restart Loop


  • Volume Up
  • Volume Down


  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Move Up
  • Move Down
  • Scale Width Up
  • Scale Width Down
  • Scale Height Up
  • Scale Height Down
  • Scale Both Up
  • Scale Both Down
  • Save Window Changes
  • Restore Default Window

Application Meta

  • Update Application Package
  • Fetch New Content
  • Exit Application
  • Reload Application
  • Reboot Player
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