Admin Home

Managing Exhibitions

With AccessKit, it is easy to create, edit, and publish your Exhibitions. On this page, you will learn how to configure the settings of your accessible Exhibitions.

Table of Contents

Finding an Exhibition

From the Admin dashboard, you can see all of your Exhibitions and the corresponding Works assigned to them.

Click on the [edit] link next to the name of the Exhibition you would like to modify to access its management page.

Management Page

From the management page, you will be able to edit the configuration of an Exhibition. Options include assigning it a title, cover image, and more.

The following basic configuration fields are available for managing an Exhibition. Remember to click Update Exhibition to commit any changes you make.

Configuration Fields

Exhibition Name

This is the title of the Exhibition, as it will appear to users. You can employ the text-styling toolbar to italicize, bold, and underline text.

  • e.g., Nam June Paik, a Retrospective (1974-1993)

Hero Image Url

Paste a web link to the image file that will be displayed for the Exhibition on the AccessKit public home page.

  • e.g.,

Hero Image Alt Text

Place descriptive text of the image for accessibility here.

  • e.g.,: A stack of TVs towers over an open gallery.

Exhibition Status

Check one of the three options to mark the exhibitions status. Checking Archived will have the works drop down menu for the Exhibition to be closed upon visiting the admin page.

  • options: Upcoming, Current, Archived. If not selected, defaults to Upcoming.


Check this box to make the Exhibition visible to the public, or leave it unchecked to keep the Exhibition private.

  • options: true, false

Quiet Mode

This control allows you to temporarily set an alternate volume level for an entire Exhibition, and corresponds to adjusting the quiet mode of all Mediaplayers in the Exhibition. All Mediaplayers associated with Works in the Exhibition will immediately adjust their volume as a proportion of their original volume setting. This control is especially useful for temporarily lowering an entire Exhibition to a quieter level for accessible neurodivergent hours or a social gathering.

  • default: 1 (full volume)
  • min: 0 (silent)
  • max: 2 (double volume)
  • mid: 0.5 (half volume)

Work Label

Place descriptive text to serve as a substitute for 'work', for works in the exhibition.

  • e.g.,: video, audio zone
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